What is a living math book?
I’ve got a detailed explanation on my What is a Living Math Book? page.
Are there descriptions for each of the books?
If you would like to read more about each of the books, you can click on the titles or on the book images. The links will take you to Amazon where you can read more about that particular book. The links are affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosure policy.
Why did you make this list?
This list started when I discovered a book by Stuart J. Murphy. I loved how he integrated math into the story. I soon learned about his MathStart series and went on a hunt for more such books from different authors. I began a list of “living” math books and decided that I should share the list with others. Hence I created this site!
Check out some of the MathStart books below:
Have you read all of these books?
Although I have read most of the books on the list, by no means have I read them all. I always recommend previewing books before reading them to your children.
Are new books ever added?
Yes, new books are added regularly. You can get email alerts about the newest book additions by joining the Living Math Books group!
Can I suggest a book?
Most definitely!!! If you would like to recommend a book to be added to the list, please suggest it here and be sure to include the book title, author, and the appropriate category it should be placed.
Where can I purchase books from the list?
You can purchase books via Amazon by clicking through on the book title or image. However, I do recommend that you first attempt to utilize your local library!!! If you do choose to purchase a book from the list via a link from this site, I will receive a very small percentage of the purchase price. For more information, you can view my disclosure policy.
Is there a printable version of the books?
Coming soon!
Who are you?
My name is Jennifer {aka Mama Jenn}. I attended one of the top academic universities in the nation and majored in Mathematics. I also have my Masters Degree in Education. I used to teach high school math. I am currently homeschooling my five children. I also blog over at Mama Jenn, where I share educational activities, crafty ideas, free printables, and much more!
How can I contact you?
My contact information can be found here!